Monday, September 10, 2012

Awareness drill - Where there's smoke...

Last week, the $3 awareness drill proved itself very useful. I was in a building where a small electronic device had started heating up and smoking, threatening to catch fire. Of the 4 people to see the tiny conflagration, I was the only person who knew where the nearest fire extinguisher was. I had done the $3 drill several times over the preceding month in that building, and it turns out that behind fire extinguishers are a place no one ever checks for hiding dollar bills. :)

After the mess was cleaned up, I showed the other guys where the fire extinguisher was. It was in a little alcove in one of the main hallways. One guy later told me that he had walked by that thing 4 times a day for 7 years and never once noticed that it was there.

Today's awareness drill is simple. Where is the nearest fire extinguisher to you right now? Can you give specific instructions to a person on how to find it?

Follow on for extra credit: Where is the nearest fire alarm switch? (I did not know this one until after the fire, BTW).

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